Episodes Show Notes|FlashCasts Show Notes
A Few Minutes With Mr. D
Complete Mafia for the D20
Superfrat and the other
Silent Devil Webcomics
A Few Minutes With Bernhardt Publishing
A Few Minutes With Brennan Taylor
Galileo Games - Home of Mortal Coil
and Bulldogs
The Independent Press
Revolution Website
Jennifer Rodgers Website
A Few Minutes With Burton Taylor
Laughing Pan Productions
A Few Minutes With CMDR David Simpson
Talsorian Games Online - Home of Cyberpunk
A Few Minutes With Jonathan Lavallee
FireStorm Ink - Home of CyberGen
A Few Minutes with Ann Schrage
Mindfield - The Game of
US Military Trivia
A Few Minutes with Chris Adams
Yamara - Home of Oh My God
There's An Axe In My Head
A Few Minutes with Gene Hendricks
The USS Justice Homepage
Tales of The Seventh Fleet Forums
A Few Minutes with Matt Anderson
Cobalt Flux - Home of High End Peripherals
A Few Minutes with Michael Miller
With Great Power...
A Few Minutes with Rick Loomis
Flying Buffalo Games - Home of Lost Worlds
A Few Minutes with Tony Lower-Basch
Muse of Fire Games - Home of Capes
A Few Minutes With Jennifer Schoonover
Firewater Productions - HOme of CHaos University and BarQuest
Tony DiGerolamo - Complete Mafia for D20
The crazy XBOX 360 marketing video can be found here.
The story about the XBOX 360 laptop mod can be found here.
The article about the 360 price cuts in Japan can be found here.
The news on the XBOX Live Vision Camera can be found here.
The new Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer can be found here
The story about the PS3 delays, and the trash talking that insued can be found here
The list of EA Games Servers that are being shut down can be found here.
The frightning Super Mario Bros. painting can be found here
The news of the XGP Kids Handhled can be found here
The instructions about hoking up a hard drive to your Nintendo DS can be found here.
The story on the PSP Download Service can be found here.
The CD-i Zelda Game Remixes can be found here.
The Ricky Bobby's Fast Track game can be found here.
The article about the Play! Music Symphony can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The Square FFXI annoucement about Chocobo Circuit can be found here.
The story about the Revolution playing Genesis and TurboGrafx 16 games can be found here.
The rumors of Nintendo's Revolution name change can be found here. and here.
The PS3 tech demo video can be found here.
The confirmation of the PS3's region free goodness and the free online mutiplayer can be found here
The artcile about new PSP ads targeting young women can be found here
The links to news about The Movies expansion can be found here, the Dreamfall: The Longest journey link ishere,and the X-Men the movie game stuff ishere.
The GDC awards list and article can be found hereand the IGF awards list ishere.
The news of the extreme punishments being dished out in MMO's can be found here
The article about the young kid attacking his grandmother over video games can be found here.
The story on video games in jail can be found here.
The info about the Sex in Video Games panel can be found here.
The news on the Video Game Urinal can be found here.
The instructions on how to make a LED magnet can be found here.
The article about the game where you do nothing to win can be found here.
The link to our own "Nothing" thread on the forums can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The XBOX 360 supply surge announcement can be found here.
The story about the XBOX 360's DVD Firmware being hacked can be found here. and the Microsoft response can be found here.
The pics of Nintendo's Revolution, as seen at GDC '06, can be found here.
The news on the current launch date confirmation of the PS3 can be found here.
The story about the PS3's hub service in more detail can be found here
The artcile about the return of the 60GB HD for the PS3 can be found here and the link to the news of redesign for the PS3 controller is here.
The statement about 1080p gaming being impossible on the PS3 can be found here.
The new rumours about the secret Microsoft handheld project can be found here
The news of the 600 points for the DS WiFi popping up in the UK can be found here
The article about the new PSP Spot can be found here.
The story on StarForce's re-booting problems can be found here.
The info about the coming Age of Empires III board game can be found here.
The news on the NES Zapper mouse can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The XBOX 360 TNA artile can be found
The story about the new games coming to XBOX Live's Arcade can be found here.
The info on the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion release date can be found here.
The skinny on the PS3 not being at the Sony Playstation event can be found here.
The story about 7 Studios doing games for the PS3 can be found here
The DS launch news and then the Nintendo apology about it can be found here and here.
The article about the new Pirates of the Caribbean game for the PSP can be found here.
The link to the new Godfather movie can be found here WARNING Viewer Discretion is Advised!
The Guild Wars third game announcement can be found here
The article about the Iraqi training simulation can be found here.
The news about the WCG's Grand Final coming to Seattle can be found here.
The story on Micosoft's Origami and no Halo can be found here.
The article about UK video game bill re-surfacing can be found here.
The news on the crushing of the Utah "Games as Porn" bill can be found here.
The article about the I-Am-8-Bit show and new book can be found here.
The story on long-lost Penn and Teller Sega CD Game can be found here.
The article about Penny Arcade, SOE, and Krispy Kreme can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The DirecTV/XBOX 360 artile can be found here.
Microsoft's words about HD-DVD and the theory within can be found here.
The info on the possible 360 version of Phantasy Star Universe can be found here.
The scans from the Revolution booklet can be found here.
The Kotaku article about the Revolution and the 1-UP article about the power supply stand can be found here and here.
The PS3 news about 1080p and it's apperance at the Taipei Games Show can be found here and here.
The article about Sony's "HUB" service can be found here.
The DS stuff about the 4GB hard drive and the new Tenchu game can be found here and here.
The PSP news about the TEKKEN, Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. as well as the business game, can be found here and here and here
The article about Will Wright's new game "Spore" can be found here.
The news on the video game business exploding by 2011 can be found here.
The story about Taipei's booth babes can be found here.
The article about games attacking corporations like Fed-Ex Kinkos and McDonalds can be found here.
The news that Sony would consider working with the Big M can be found here.
The swearing on XBOX live article can be found here. WARNING: Contains Profanity!
The story on Ralph Baer receiving an award at the white house can be found here.
The article about NES games on cell phones can be found here.
The picture of a new Marriot that looks like a Sony PS2 can be found here.
The link to the Katamari Flash Game can be found here.
The link to the "The Last Guitar Hero: The Movie" trailer can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The UberCon VII info and link to Luke's Burning Wheel can be found here.
Tony D's game Complete Mafia for D20 was also at UberCon VII. A link to it can be found here.
The info on InterCon F can be found here.
The skinny on the new D20 modern Future Tech sourcebook can be found here.
The "Brain Damage" thread on The Forge can be found here.
The MTG 2006 Champs Promo cards can be found here.
The Guildpact main page can be found here.
The main page for Ravnica can be found here.
The Allegiance - War of Factions CCG main page can be found here.
The Driver - Parallel Lines website can be found here. The game releases on 03/15/06
EA's Black main page can be found here. The game releases on 02/28/06
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The article about the Sega Football Manager 2006 XBOX 360 HDD requiremant can be found here.
The article about the XBOX 360 giveaway raffle at DesignCon 2006 can be found here.
The article about the XBOX 360 save game annoyance can be found here.
The Kotaku news article about Iwata's GDC Keynote speech can be found here.
The Jared Fogle Nintendo blame article can be found here.
The article about the PS3 as the centerpiece to your home theater can be found here.
The news about Activision's Next-Gen plans can be found here.
Mr. Robinson's PS3 plight can be found here.
The Super Princess Peach website can be found here.
The Microsoft handheld article can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Show notes coming soon!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Here are the links that Adrien wanted to pass on to you guys:
Double Exposure - Responsible for Dreamation and DexCon and other conventions.
This is for Legends of the Shining Jewel
Info about NAGA.
Web site for the guy who makes Dogs in the Vineyard...Mormons...WITH GUNS!
Beyond Belief games...lots of insane RPGs....play a prairie dog! Some of these games are free downloads, well worth a look.
The Alternate Reality Gaming Network...the next phase in gaming....Some of this is really cool and totally immersive.
The home page for Matt Howarth, comic artist and author. Trippy stuff.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik even has time to do some interviewing!
The article about the Plastation Life can be found here.
The most comprehensive release date list can be found here.
The article about the Stargate MMO can be found here.
The Wired news article about some cool independent games can be found here.
The interview with Lance Barr can be found here.
The article about Take Two's SEC report can be found here.
The response by Jack Thompson about Blank Rome's complaint to the Florida Bar Association can be found here.
The chocolate XBOX 360 controller can be found here.
The art show that has the Painstation can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik wades through the waves of news assaulting Perfect Score.
The article that has the scan of the Gamestop email about the lack of XBOX 360 DVD remotes can be found here.
The information about Final Fantasy XI for the XBOX 360 can be found here.
The article that has the scanned email about Halo 3 can be found here.
The information about the Star Wars Battlefront II expansion can be found here.
The article about Microsoft's possible handheld system can be found here.
The article about the PS3 programming ease and the Open GL ES can be found here.
The article about the disable youngman looking forward to the Nintendo Revolution can be found here.
The Silent Hill PSP comic trailer can be found here.
The pictures of the Nintendo DS Lite can be found here.
The list of the working PSP eLoader hacks can be found here.
The information about the upcoming City of Villains update can be found here.
The article about James Woods complaint about the Hot Coffee can be found here.
The best Mods of 2005 can be found here.
The article about the Intel Macs can be found here.
The article about Blizzard cracking down on homosexual guilds can be found here.
The response to the article above can be found here.
The information on G33K Mafia can be found here.
The information on the Red Cross cracking down on its logo can be found here.
The entire rundown on the ESA's study on Parents and gaming can be found here.
The letter sent out about Wisconsin trying to get tax incentives for video game publishers and developers can be found here.
The article about Good vs Bad Violence for Utah's game legislation can be found here.
The article about Iowa's game legislation can be found here.
The PDF of the Rockstar lawsuit can be found here.
The official website for Star Locke of Texas can be found here.
The Need for Speed controversy can be found here.
The Jack Thompson response to Flowers for Jack can be found here.
The Halo 2 Lord of The Rings mash up video can be found here.
The Fear of Girls movie can be found here.
The article by Charles Purcell can be found here.
The Katamari checks can be found here.
The Q*Bert earrings can be found here.
The Protomen website can be found here.
The World of Warcraft map can be found here.
The Super Mario synthesizer can be found here.
The flash movie featuring Luigi and the Old Skool Revolution can be found here.
The do it yourself NES TV remote can be found here.
The Famicom TV controller can be purchased here.
The Power cop can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik talks the news and has a bunch of things in Diabolik's Nifty Cool Things today.
The article with the DS stepping back up and kicking the PSP's battery backup again can be found here.
The STAR TREK Tactical Assault information can be found here.
The rest of the STAR TREK news can be found here.
The article about West Virginia picking up DDR can be found here.
The article about Utah and its pornography can be found here.
The article about Iowa jumping into the fray can be found here.
The article about Orlando's mayor shooting it up can be found here.
The Nintendo DS gallery of alts can be found here.
The PAC-MAN stichwork can be found here.
The music video in which the ET games are located in the landfill can be found here.
The STAR TREK music video which you must check out can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik and the crew are back from Dreamation and he catches us up on all of the news from the last few days.
The list of the games that were placed on the Sony Japan site can be found here.
The article about the above games being removed can be found here.
The article about the PS3 being crazy easy to design for can be found here.
The DevStation website can be found here.
The Sony survey questions can be found here.
The estimate of 7 million PS3 launch can be found here.
The NubyTech article can be found here.
The XBOX 360 backwards compatibilty issues can be found here.
The article abut the XBOX being dead can be found here.
The follow up article to the above can be found here.
The article on Killzone for PSP can be found here.
The Neuros video converter can be found here.
The XBOX and 4Kids article can be found here.
The Mega Man Powered Up screenshots can be found here.
The Mega Man Maverick Hunter X screenshotscan be found here.
The Mortal Kombat Armageddon info can be found here.
The article about the Splitfish can be found here.
The ringtones from Katamari and others can be found here.
The feature on the subcultures within gaming can be found here.
The response by Running with Scissors CEO made can be found here.
The E3 rules and regulations can be found here.
The article on the E3 Show Director's response to the changes of the dress code policy can be found here.
The Korean MMO info can be found here.
The rumor that Tarantino might do the Half-Life movie can be found here.
The article about Star Locke of Texas' video game proposal can be found here.
The article aboutthe young man who commited suicide can be found here.
The article that has my nemisis Jack Thompsons reaction to the above can be found here.
The Flowers For Jack information can be found here.
The pictures of the Space Invader tote bag can be found here.
The Zelda Revolution controller can be found here.
The place to but the Pong Clock can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik catches up on all the stuff that has happened while he was working on the Dreamation schedule for the crew.
The photos of the PS3 concept design can be found here.
The information about the $6 Million award for Sony can be found here.
The article about Microsoft renegging on the Blu-Ray drive can be found here.
The article about Activision getting the Transformers rights can be found here.
The website for the new Transformers movie can be found here.
The Ninjaman game can be found here.
The article about my friend Jack van be found here.
The wonderful Post-It Mario can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik is looking to buy some wit. If anyone has some to spare, let him know.
The press release about Battle for Middle Earth II coming to the XBOX 360 can be found here.
The Prey website can be found here.
The blog posting of the MGS4 training can be found here.
The article which might mean Dragon Quest is Revolution bound can be found here.
The article about Lara Croft's new voice can be found here.
The information on Mortal Kombat: Armageddon can be found here.
The article about Bruckheimer considering the Prince of Persia movie can be found here.
The article about video games helping to overcome crash fears can be found here.
The article on Valve not approving the in game advertising can be found here.
The information on Teachingwith Games can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The interview with John SWinimer of ATI about the Revolution's GPU can be found here.
The Google archive of the PS3 vs 360 can be found here.
The information about the Talkman coming to Europe can be found here.
The information on the PSP firmware 2.6 having homebrew can be found here.
The Nintendo DS art gallery can be found here.
The Hello DS information can be found here.
The information about the Lineage expansion can be found here.
The rumor about the Gun 2 and True Crime sequels getting canned can be found here.
The pictures of the Couter Strike game being invaded by ads can be found here.
The press release announcing Heroes of Might and Magic for the Mac can be found here.
The information about the Phantom still being alive can be found here.
The website that has the Japanese and US game boxes can be found here.
The website with the Space Invader Pez dispensor can be found here.
The article with the remake of Mario can be found here.
The Gamestop interview with Ken Levine of Irrational can be found here.
The interviews with the pen & paper developers can be found here.
The information about the video game parody video game can be found here.
More information on the Florida game bill can be found here.
The information about my friend Jack slowly losing it can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
And Diabolik talked about it.
The CNN Money article about the PS3 possibly costing 500 bucks can be found here.
The Far Cry Instincts article can be found here.
The article about the new Nintendo DS cooking game canbe found here.
The pictures of the new MegaMan/Woman game for the DS can be found here.
The information on the redesign of the Nintendo DS can be found here.
The new Project Valkyrie movie can be found here.
The Tetris homebrew for PSP firmware 2.5 can be found here.
The article about Guitar Hero's European tour can be found here.
The press release about Pop Cap and Games for Health can be found here.
The article about the console assisting chronically ill patients can be found here.
The Sex in Video Conference information can be found here.
The Katamari Damacy remote control game movie can be found here.
The article about the slipping number of game sales of sequels can be found here.
The study about whether we need Gamers Anonymous can be found here.
The article that talks to the mother about rather having her kid on cocaine than playing games can be found here.
The Jack Thompson interview at Netjak can be found here.
The information on the Florida video game bill can be found here.
Rich over in the PA PSCORE labs tells us some more stuff that went down in the day's news. Then he let's us all know about some cool additions to the show. Enjoy!
The information about the DOA 4 glitch can be found here.
The NYC PSP advert article can be found here.
The Nintendo "Virtual Console" survey stuff can be found here.
The ZBoard Review can be found here.
The PSP external hard drive unit info can be found here.
The Best and Worst list for boardgames Part I can be found here.
Part II can be found here.
The best RPG books list can be found here.
The link to the Official Perfect Score Game Law Frappr! map can be found here.
The link to the Official Perfect Score Listener Frappr! map can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik covers more news than you can shake a stick at. But Diabolik shakes sticks at lots of things that most people can't.
The information about a XBOX 360 Blu-Ray drive can be found here.
The Kotaku article about DOA 4 not breaking the top 10 in sales over in Japan can be found here.
The quote from Josh Robinson can be found here.
The ICE MOD chip delay can be found here.
The SX360 information can be found here.
The article about the PS2 and XBOX price cut can be found here.
Google video can be found here.
The PSP Nation can be found here.
Joystiq's poll on the best Zelda game can be found here.
The information on how to build the Gameboy Micro o Gamecube link can be found here. Be warned that you have to sign up for the Forums.
The article about the National Geographic's article being debunked can be found here.
The information on Metroid Hunters can be found here.
The Metroid/Halo mash-up video can be found here.
The Nintendo DS selling at more than MSRP in Japan can be found here.
The Half-Life 2 Aftermath can be found here.
The interview with Jim Norwood which reveals the LOTR: The White Council can be found here.
The Guild Wars Factions press release can be found here.
The Alpha Grip AG-5 can be found here.
The article about the Nongamers joining the fray can be found here.
The EA and Amp'd article can be found here.
The article about the advertising company specifically forgames can be found here.
The software and hardware sales article can be found here.
The Kansas State of the State address can be found here.
The article about the violent games in California can be found here.
The article about the Gory games Warping your Brain can be found here.
The Kotaku article about What Next Gen really means can be found here.
The video from Guitar Hero's MySpace page can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik talks about a variety of news, including a Bill Gates article, some New York Times bashing, and the funniest thing he has read in a while. . .or at least today.
The article in which the 3 Million mark that Microsoft set for itself gets shot down can be found here.
The entire interview of Bill Gates by engadget can be found here.
The PSP controlled Honda Civic article can be found here.
The Guitar Hero's potential competition article can be found here.
The entire article about the History of Video Game controllers can be found here.
The article about the Gamer's deciding on the next DVD format can be found here.
The DDR Dance Pad Buyer's Guide can be found here.
The article about Brice Mellen (the blind guy who can beat us all) and his invite to Japan can be found here.
The GamerGod article on the 10 Most Interesting people in Gaming for 2005 can be found here.
The GUN PLAY article can be found here.
The Tallahassee Democrat article about the fliers fond at Leon High School can be found here.
The Game Politics article that includes the Utah Representative's radio interview can be found
The wonderful Wired satire on the future of gaming can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The FlashCast count just keeps climbing as Rich over at the PA PSCORE labs goes over the day's top news. Then he lets everybody know about a special thing going on for all the iTunes subscribers!
The pics of the Revolution controller ad can be found here.
The pic of the Commodore 64 can be found here.
The NCSoft article can be found here.
The pics and story of the 3D goggles can be found hereandhere.
The pics of Capcom's Dead Rising game can be found here.
The Timeshift beta article can be found here.
The real-life PunchOut! stuff can be found here.
Don't forget about the iTunes subscriber exclusive! Click the buttons below to subscribe if you haven't already!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Over in the PA PSCORE labs, Rich reports on all sorts of fun news bits for today. From more CES stuff to fun looks into the past of gaming, there's something for everyone. Don't forget to stay for the end to hear a neat announcement!
The IGN bug report can be found here.
The boldness of Mr.Stringer can be found here.
The LEGO Star Wars Short can be found here.
The pics and story of the Fatal1ty face-off can be found here.
The Game Portable Family Tree can be found here.
The Goomba mouse mini-review can be found here.
The GBA car system stuff can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik covers a plethora of news for you, like always.
The Sin Episodes website can be found here.
The Final Fantasy XII beta signup for the 360 can be found here.
The IGN article about the XBOX vs 360 Launch can be found here.
The PS2 controller that looks like a Revolution controller information can be found here.
The Game Politics article on the Philadelphia graffitti can be found here.
The Miyamoto calling Twilight Princess article can be found here.
The IRS stepping in to tax you for playing a game can be found here.
The information on Missouri joining the
The Microsoft response to the molestation case can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik delves into a bunch of news. Some of which is good, and some of it saddening.
The Fight Night Round 3 fight at CES between Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer can be downloaded from Gamespot here.
The XBOX 360 CES video can be downloaded from Gamespot here.
The site with the information on the XBOX 360 Modchips can be found here.
The Sony CES website is here.
The Sofmap pictures about the DS outselling the 360 are available on Kotaku here.
The Marilyn Manson owns a DS article can be found here.
The Joystiq article and pictures of the Visteon's GBA dockable system can be found here.
The Nintendo not selling Gameboy Micro faceplates in Europe information can be found here.
The BBC docuentary on Nintendo can be found here.
The NGage tournament information can be found here.
The nifty cool IAM8BIT site can be found here.
The high school orchestra play the Halo theme can be found here.
The Joystiq "Do you play high" article can be found here.
The Police press report about the molestation case in California can be found here.
The article covering the Utah game resriction can be found here.
The Game Politics information on the Mum's Army can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
This is version 3.14 or something like that. Rich and Diabolik record this cast too many times for their own sanity. And Diabolik finds a way to call eveyone out.
The interview with John Carmack can be found here.
The information about Ian Livingstone and the OBE can be found HERE.
The information about Mac possibly coming to the console side is here.
The information about the video boardgame can be found here.
The flight simulator article is here.
The listings for the upcoming Blu-Ray DVDs can be found here.
The CES email from Peter Moore to Microsoft emploees may be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Sorry about the delay on this one, first my microphone died, then I got that working and then my computer asploded (yes, that is like exploding, but different) from all
of the news that came flooding in. I have to roll up my pants legs to wade through it all.
The information about Age of Pirates is arrrrright here.
The BBC article where Ubisoft gives the axe to a May 2006 launch is here.
The link to the Nintendo of Europe Revolution preview is here.
The Nintendo "Christmas" video is here.
The blog for the development team responsible for the Quake II PSP is here.
The Make-A-Wish game developed by Ben Duskin can be found here.
The 1UP article about Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition can be found here.
The Super Mario Sunshine Flash Game can be found here.
The MacWorld Magazine advertisement for Call of Duty 2 can be found here.
The EB Games listing for the World of Warcraft expansion can be found here.
The Gamestop listing for Halo 3 can be found here.
Information on Electroplankton can be found here.
The About.com's article on the Top 10 Free Time Wasting Sites on the Internet can be found here.
The article on the game tester is here.
You can find Itrade, the video game trading site right here.
The link where you can vote on the games that EGM forgot to add to the Top 200 games can be found here.
The Gold Nintendo Playing Cards can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Diabolik has so much news it takes two FlashCasts to contain it!
The Xbox Today question and answer session is here.
The GameShout information about the May 2006 release is here.
The Fairer Sects interview with Splinter Cell author Raymond Benson is here.
The Engadget pictures of the iRiver G10 WiBro gameconsole are here.
The Colecovision To Go pictures and information is here.
The picture of the vandilized PSP vandilization is here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
If I open my eyes, I can't see anything at all. If I squint and concentrate I can see slightly,
The article about the student is here.
The info on Brady Bunch Kung Fu is here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Good Morning once again. Diabolik got very little sleep and started his
The PSP Movie download site link is here.
The Best Freeware article and links is here.
The Mario and Goomba pics are here.
And last but not least the 50 Best robots article is here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich over at the PA PSCORE labs checks in with some more PSP mobile news. A little Katamari, a little Exit, and some
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Clowns taste funny. I laugh at my own stupid jokes. So more news and stuff to cover. PONG Movie?!?!?
This is the link for the gaming bill being presented.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Good early morning. I can't sleep so I did some news hunting and get some things out. In case you didn't know, DOA4 should be shipping today so maybe in stores tomorrow, I will keep you posted. Now I go off to hopefully catch some z's.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hi there everyone. Once again I cover a variety of news and give out just a bit of Diabolikal information. I also forgot to record this on the FlashCast, but I am officially challenging Rich to a Guitar Hero Battle. I have beaten both Danae and Keith, along with all of my other family members, so Rich is next on my list. We will keep you posted on the fallout from his viscious beating at my hands in the near future..
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich is back at the PA PScore labs, and gives us some info on the comings and goings of all things PSP. (Just call him News-to-Go) :0P He also let's us know what his first impressions of Goldeneye: Source are. Come listen in!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hey there folks. Some news and things to look forward to are covered today. I am a little punchy since I've had 1 1/2 hours of sleep because I am not feeling well. But, no excuses. You deserve the news and I deliver it, though in a slightly crushed box that fell open during shipping. Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Yeah, so there is no news today, but I do give my take on The Big Night by Allen Dotson. Merry Holidays everyone!
You can get to May Contain Monkeys right here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
There is a Holiday present I threw into the end of the cast that I hope everyone likes. Rich has departed for Michigan and hopefully arrives safely and enjoys his holiday with his friends and family. I dig up the little pieces of dirt that are still out there since most places apparently closed down yesterday for the Holiday. But not me. Look for a special preview/review of a game that I was asked to review.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around the last few days, I have not been feeling well. But I am back with a vengeance, or something like a vengeance.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich is back at it again! From the PA PScore labs, he gives us all the latest news in video gaming. EA's new game downloading system, Microsoft and that crazy XBOX 360, it's all here!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hey all! Rich over in the PA PScore labs takes on a trip down memory lane, then chats it up on today's news in the video game world. Links are forthcoming on the forums, so be sure to check that out. Enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Sorry about the delay with getting this posted, I was still unable to recover the last 20 minutes, but what can I do. Get better recording software which I did today. So with that said, please enjoy what we could recover of FlashCast No. 20.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Just some quick notes about a variety of things. We also get to see how much of a GEEEEK I really am.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich from the PScore labs in PA chats it up about the good, the bad, and the downright sad. Say it aint so!!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
We have Xbox 360 news, games to look forward to on both the Xbox and the 360 Direct download available here.
I also send a shoutout to Solo from Mission F.A.C.E.S.
The Jack Thompson article can be found here.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Danae Keith and I sit down and run through the news from today and Danae gives us 2 previews of some upcoming games for us to look out for. I also talk about Mission F.A.C.E.S. and their efforts to continue the GI Joe TCG after Wizards of the Coast decided to stop production of the game.Following it up we also talk about our participation in Fünde Razor yesterday. The footage will be up this weekend and we got interviews with Joel the organizer of Fünde Razor and Helen McWilliams of Harmonix Music (they did a little game called Guitar Hero and Amplitude) so look forward to that!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
As Rich and I prepare to leave for FÜNDE RAZOR I get some of the breaking, or already shattered news out to our listeners.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The PA PSCORE labs are jumpin' this weekend! Rich gives us some cool announcements about upcoming 'Casts, and then gives us a peek at Capcom's Final Fight: StreetWise! Muscle up, this game packs a punch!!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
We are back with a double dose of FlashCasty goodness. The Chronicles of Narnia and a trip to the Perfect Score Labs in PA forced a delay in the information, but we covered everything today. Rich and Eric will be covering the FÜNDE RAZOR in Brooklyn on Tuesday so if you are in the area please stop in and help support the Child's Play Charity and enter the raffle to win n XBOX 360.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Today I cover various news bits and my thanks to Rich for giving me two days off.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich over in the PA Pscore labs talks about the doubts in the Xbox 360's launch in Japan, chats it up about some upcoming PSP stuff, and then looks deeper into the spec sheet of the Nintendo Revolution! Enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Today, Rich talks about the new Square-Enix announcement. But why just talk when he can show you? Come on and take a look!! FlashCast No. 10 comes out big! Enjoy!
For Hangar-G3: http://www.hangar-g3.com
For Last Exile: http://www.lastexiledvd.com - A great anime series, give it a shot!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Sorry about yesterday. Technical difficulties getting the podcast up and running led into difficulties with the FlashCasts. But we I am here today with news and views and a sleeping Keith. This is the link to the Parents Alert List that I talk about.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The Perfect Score crew has a few laughs, and lets loose on this 'Cast. We chat some more about the things that concern us about NIMF and Mrs. Clinton. Beware listening to this one...this is a chaotic cast! Enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Apparently Rich and Keith worked well into the night getting you some information. I give my take on contacting your representatives in Congress and the Star Trek MMO. I also talk about a few other things and some of the games I just picked up that you can look forward to in the near future. And I watched the Halo 2 video showing it on the Xbox and the 360 and give my take on it.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Rich and Keith chat it up for a while on this FlashCast! NIMF woes, and FFXII with higher prices and no Nobuo Uematsu? Say it ain't so Square-Enix!! And we boldly go where no gamers have gone before as we look into the latest Star Trek video game project. Beam us up and enjoy! Everyone have a Perfect Day!
We're really cookin now! Rich chats about the site, and our server woes. :o( Then talks a little about the Weekly Releases and the XBOX 360's future! Have fun, and stay tuned for more!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hi everyone! In todays FlashCast I cover a lot of news that popped up over the past day or two. There are two links I felt I should include that I cover in the cast. The first is about Hillary Clinton proposing a bill to congress. The other is a link to the Top 10 Most Violent Video Games . I originally covered both a lot more, but the cast came out to more than thirty-eight minutes. So to save your eardrums the onslaught of my voice I trimmed it down and you can read all about them at those links.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Greetings from the PA PSCORE Labs! Rich chimes in with a little bit of local site news, and a little something for the PSP and XBOX 360 crowd. Also, Rich wishes Keith a speedy recovery from his double-whammy of a late-fall bug. Get well to Keith, and Enjoy everyone!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
A daily Flashcast might not be that far fetched. Today you get to listen to me ramble on about four games I played recently. And I make a special request. So listen and enjoy and contact me at Diabolik@pscore.net.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hi everyone! New addition to the Perfect Score cast DIABOLIK here. We wanted to let you know that we are unveiling some new aspects of the show. We all think that the periodic flashcast (which we hope will very soon become daily) will keep you up to date with all things Perfect Score related. That being said, we have the first FlashCast up for everyone and look for the new full length show sometime this coming weekend.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The crew sits down to discuss some fairly obscure card games that they enjoyed learning. They also talk about some games that are currently being played that are expecting sequels soon.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Everybody's gathered at the PA PSCORE labs, and we're all ready to finish up the 20 questions list. Some other major announcements are abound as well, so tune in and enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Keith catches up with the rest of the cast with the 20 questions segment of episode 10 and then goes on to wrestle his Gameboy away from Rich.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
10 Episodes. Nearly 20 Flashcasts. My how the tables turned just a few short weeks ago. Today, instead of talking specifically about games, we play a game instead. Rich Danae and Diabolik sit down and answer questions in order to allow our listeners a chance to get to know us.
Also, we want to get to know you as well. In our forums there is a sections for contests. Come fill out the form that asks you 20 questions and you will be eligible for the contest. Listen to todays Episode to get all the details.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
The Perfect Score crew looks back at life before Video Games, and chats about the great past and amazing future of board and card games. We take some time to give a special annoucement about an upcoming VidCast, and Diabolik amazes us with his news finding ways. Diabolik also reviews GUN for the PC. Enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
This week we cover the age old question: "What Happened to Gaming?" Danae reviews "The Singles II: Triple Trouble", and we cover a whole bunch of interesting things in our news segment. 18 karat gold Gameboys, more on the state of gaming case law, and the Pong clock! Tune in and enjoy!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Big preview day!! We take a look at the new Narnia game, Be "The One" in The Matrix: Path of Neo, and we tell you to play Fantasy Quidditch...ALOT! So, tune in, and sign up!! Please?
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Potter, and Villians, and Warriors...Oh My! We give some news on the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire premiere, Keith tells us about City of Villians, and we give our full review of Rockstar's The Warriors! Come out and play!!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Special guest Nathan Clare drops by to chat about Call of Cthulhu, we chat about EA's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire game, Quidditch goes Fantasy, and Keith gives us a classic review of Myst. Enjoy the show!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Big Preview day! We take a look at Dragon Quest VIII, The Warriors (again), and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Good times! Enjoy the show!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Re-cap of the WCG 2005. We preview Rockstar's new game: The Warriors, and we chat it up about all the latest release dates for upcoming titles. Movie game mania! Enjoy the 'Cast!
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Gearing up with some info on the World Cyber Games 2005, and superhero heaven in City of Heroes.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
Hey, it's our first show, so kick back, relax, and enjoy!
Discussions on Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and then we chat it up about Guild Wars.
Everyone have a Perfect Day!
FlashCast No. 62 - Nuggets of News!
FlashCast No. 61 - In a groove!
FlashCast No. 60 - Diabolik is at it again!
FlashCast No. 59 - Complete with Flubs
FlashCast No. 58 - The News Keeps Flowin'!
FlashCast No. 57 - The Change-Up!
FlashCast No. 55 - The Return of Diabolik!
FlashCast No. 54 - Back in the Saddle!
FlashCast No. 53
Interview with Adrien Stein
FlashCast No. 52 - So little news today
FlashCast No. 51 - Too...much...news....
FlashCast No. 49 - Quick one today!
FlashCast No. 48 - Back from Dreamation!
FlashCast No. 47 - Back from a small working vacation!
FlashCast No. 46 - Once again stuff happened today. . .
FlashCast No. 45 - More stuff happened today. . .
FlashCast No. 44 - Stuff happened today. . .
FlashCast No. 43
FlashCast No. 42 - Diabolik shakes lots of sticks.
FlashCast No. 41
FlashCast No. 40 - News and Hidden Goodies!
FlashCast No. 39 - The Mix and Match News Cast
FlashCast No. 38 - Wit plus Diabolik = :-(
Galactic Empire other states proposing video game legislation can be found here.FlashCast No. 37 - CES goodness
FlashCast No. 36 - Diabolik calls everyone out . . .yes even YOU!
FlashCast No. 35 - Delayed, but just as good!
FlashCast No. 34 - 2006 is jumping!
FlashCast No. 33 - I can't see anything now
but with a worse headache. Which might explain this FlashCast a bit.FlashCast No. 32 - Robots and MACS and Consoles. . . .oh My what is wrong with me?
little hunt for the news at 4 this morning. And boy is there nifty news!FlashCast No. 31 - Kings, Exits, and Docs...Oh My!
UMD movie details. Then, he calls for more help, so heed the call, and round everybody up!!FlashCast No. 30 - Diabolik ate the clowns instead!
FlashCast No. 29 - Diabolik can't sleep or clowns will eat him!
FlashCast No. 28
FlashCast No. 27 - He's back, and ready to rock!
FlashCast No. 26 - Insert Witty Phrase Here
FlashCast No. 25 - The Christmas Special!
FlashCast No. 24 - On the 24th Even
FlashCast No. 23
FlashCast No. 22
FlashCast No. 21 - The Blast from the Past!
FlashCast No. 20 - Technical issues partially resolved
FlashCast No. 19 - Quick one today
FlashCast No. 18
FlashCast No. 17
The forum topic can be found here.FlashCast No. 16
FlashCast No. 15
FlashCast No. 14 - More Video Goodness!
FlashCast No. 13 - Long one today.
FlashCast No. 12 - And counting....
FlashCast No. 11 - From Consoles to Handhelds and Back!
FlashCast No. 10 - With Bonus!!
FlashCast No. 9 - Podcast Winnning Award!
FlashCast No. 8 - Chaos AboundS!
FlashCast No. 7
FlashCast No. 6! - The 2 for 1 Special!
FlashCast No. 5!
FlashCast No. 4 - Lots to cover today!
FlashCast No. 3 - How's that for service?
FlashCast No. 2 - See, we didn't lie!
FlashCast No. 1!
Episodes Show Notes
Episode 11 - January 9, 2006
Episode 10 Part 2: The end of the 20 Questions!
Episode 10 Part 1.5 - Keith's Turn
Episode 10 Part 1 - You are getting to know us
Episode 9 - December 11th, 2005
Episode 8 - December, 4th 2005
Episode 7 - November 6th, 2005
Episode 6 - October 30th, 2005
Episode 5 - October 16th, 2005
Episode 4 - October 9th, 2005
Episode 3 - September 25th, 2005
Episode 2 - August 30th, 2005
Episode 1 - August 2nd, 2005